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 © Voiceover: Maria Paola Guerrato - © Translation: Roberto Casiraghi*

If we were to single out the three most effective ways of memorising words and phrases in any given foreign language, we would definitely say "songs", "songs" and "songs". Also, if you like a song, try to learn its lyrics by heart (Italian lyrics are among the best in the world and they often exhibit a definite poetical quality). You will find that after a while you'll get so used to it that it will become a completely effortless task. Lyrics Puzzle is an exercise which invites you to listen repeatedly to a major Italian song and then to transcribe its lyrics. If you are in doubt as to what you are hearing, don't worry and look up our list of all the words that have been used in that particular song or listen to the audio file with the words in alphabetical order (so as not to infringe on anybody's copyright). Once the job done, just use Google (or another search engine) to find the complete lyrics.
DISCLAIMER: This resource doesn't contain the lyrics of this particular song but only the words used in the song listed in alphabetical order. The music is being streamed by www.youtube.com to whom you should apply if you think that your copyright is being infringed upon. If you are the original publisher of this song, we would like to ask you the permission to reproduce the full lyrics of this song for the benefit of our subscribers, as Scuolitalia is striving to enlarge the audience for Italian worldwide.

A Te - Jovanotti

Lorèntso Kerubìni, in àrte Jovanòtti, è ùno déi prinçipàli kantautóri italyàni.
Lorenzo Cherubini, in arte Jovanotti, è uno dei principali cantautori italiani.
Jovanotti (real name Lorenzo Cherubini) is one of the main Italian singer-songwriters.

La kantsóne ké abbyàmo shélto è il sùo ùltimo suççèsso, ùna bèlla dikyaratsyóne d'amóre àlla sùa kompànnha.
La canzone che abbiamo scelto è il suo ultimo successo, una bella dichiarazione d'amore alla sua compagna.
The song we have chosen is his latest hit, a very nice love declaration to his partner.

Il tèsto è fórse un pò' lùngo, ma vedréte ké vàle la péna di askoltàrlo.
Il testo è forse un po' lungo, ma vedrete che vale la pena di ascoltarlo.
The lyrics are maybe a bit long, but - take my word - they are absolutely worth listening to!

Transcribe the lyrics here:

If you need help, here is the list of all the words sung by Jovanotti with pronunciation guide and contextual translation (i.e. the translation which is right for this particular song).

a a to; at
accoglie akkòllhe welcomes; takes in
ad ad at
aeroplano aeroplàno plane
al al at the
allontano allontàno I go away,
all’ all' at the
altro àltro else
amica amìka female friend
amore amóre love
anche ànke also
angolo àngolo corner
aria àrya air
arrivare arrivàre to arrive, to reach over
avere avére to have
avessi avéssi had (subj.)
avventura avventùra adventure
bassi bàssi low
bella bèlla beautiful; nice
bollicine bolliçìne bubbles
cambi kàmbi you change
canto kànto I sing
canzone kantsóne song
che that, which, who
chiaro kyàro clear
chiusi kyùzi closed
ci çi us (direct object)
coi kói variant of con i= with the (masculine plural)
come kóme like; as
compagna kompànnha partner (female)
con kón with
concentrano konçèntrano concentrate
contro kóntro against
coraggio koràjjo courage
cosa kòza thing
credi krédi you believe
da da bella da morire= so beautiful you could die for it
dato dàto given
dei déi of the (plural)
della délla of the (feminine singular)
dell’ déll' of the (feminine singular)
dentro déntro inside (preposition)
di di of
dica dìka you tell (singular you, subj.)
difendermi difèndermi to defend myself
disillusi dizillùzi disillusioned
dopo dópo after
e é and
ed éd and (variant of e before word starting with a vowel)
essenzialmente essentsyalménte essentially
fa fa makes; does
fatica fatìka toil
fatto fàtto done, made
fila fìla queue
fino fìno as far as
fondo fóndo the bottom (of something)
forza fòrtsa force
forze fòrtse forces
fragile fràjile fragile
gatto gàtto cat
giorni jórni days
giorno jórno day
gli lhi the (masculine plural)
grande grànde great
guardo gwàrdo I look at
hai ài you have (singular you)
ho ò I have
i i the (masculine plural)
il il the (masculine singular)
immenso immènso huge, profound
in in in
insegnato insennhàto taught (past participle)
io ìo I
la la the (feminine singular)
le the (feminine plural)
l’ l' the (masculine or feminine singular)
l’arte l’àrte art
magia majìa magic
mai mài never
mano màno hand
me me (direct object)
meglio mèllho better
meraviglia meravìllha marvel
mi mi to me; me (direct object)
mia mìa my (feminine singular)
mie mìe my (feminine plural)
miei myèi my (masculine plural)
miglior millhór better
mio mìo my
misurarlo mizuràrlo to measure it
molto mólto molto di più= much more; a lot more
mondo móndo al mondo= in the world
morire morìre to die
muro mùro wall
natura natùra nature
ne of it
nel nél in the (masculine singular)
nella nélla in the (feminine singular)
niente nyènte nothing
non nón not
occhi òkki eyes
offrirti offrìrti to offer you (singular you)
ogni ònnhi each
orizzonte oriddzónte horizon
parole paròle words
paura paùra fear
per pér for
perché perké because
piacere pyaçére pleasure
piaci pyàçi like
piangere pyànjere to weep
pianta pyànta tree
pieno pyèno full
più pyù more
poi pòi than
portato portàto taken (past participle)
posso pòsso I can
potevo potévo I could (imperfect)
po’ a little
prendere prèndere prendere in mano= to grasp with your hand
prendi prèndi prendi il mio tempo= get hold of my time(=life, existence)
preso prézo hai preso la mia vita= you got hold of my life, you captured my life
pronto prónto ready
pugni pùnnhi fists
quando kwàndo when
quello kwéllo that
raccolto rakkòlto collected, picked up (past participle)
ragione rajóne reason
render rènder to make (short for rendere)
reso rézo made (from rendere, past participle)
respiro respìro breath
resti rèsti you stay (singular you)
riesci rièshi you manage (singular you)
roccia ròçça rock
salto sàlto leap
salvo sàlvo in salvo= to the rescue, where it is safe to be
se if
sei sèi you are (singular you)
semplicemente sempliçeménte semplicemente sei= you just are (literally, you simply are i.e. just by existing without doing anything else you are so important to me)
sempre sèmpre always
senso sènso meaning
senza sèntsa without
si si si fa chiaro= it becomes clear (literally, it makes itself clear)
sia sìa che mi sia successa = thas has happened (lit. is happened, subj.)
sogni sónnhi dreams
solo sólo con un solo salto= with just one leap
sostanza sostàntsa substance (= most important thing, essence, core)
spalle spàlle shoulders
stavo stàvo I used to stand
stessa stéssa same
stringendoti strinjèndoti by embracing tightly or squeezing (gerundive)
successa suççèssa che mi sia successa= which ever happened to me
te you (direct and indirect object)
tempo tèmpo time (in the sense of existence, the time I am living)
ti ti to you; you
trascinarla trashinàrla e trascinarla in salvo= and rush it to the rescue
trovato trovàto found
tu tu you (singular)
tua tùa your (singular)
tutti tùtti all; every
tutto tùtto everything; all
ucciderti uççìderti to kill you (singular you)
un un a (masculine singular)
una ùna a (feminine singular)
unica ùnika l'unica ragione= the only reason
unico ùniko only
uragano uragàno hurricane
visto vìsto seen (past participle)
vita vìta life
volare volàre to fly
vorrei vorrèi I'd like to have (present conditional)


  1. The Clever Centipede
  2. Are You Stupid?

  3. Con Te Partirò - Andrea Bocelli
  4. L'Arcobaleno - Adriano Celentano
  5. A Te - Jovanotti
  6. La Voce del Silenzio - Mina
  7. Una Lunga Storia d'Amore - Gino Paoli
  8. Il Mondo che Vorrei - Vasco Rossi
  9. I Migliori Anni della Nostra Vita - Renato Zero

  10. Maiale al latte
  11. Dolce alle noci
  12. Pasta con pancetta e zucchine



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