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 © Text: Crystal Jones • © Voiceover: Maria Paola Guerrato [ppp-tab]
Painting by Amedeo Modigliani from www.tumblr.com/tagged/modigliani


Via Regina 26 is a contemporary soap opera. It's about the people living in flats in a late 19th century building in the centre of Milan. There are six floors and four flats on each of them. The chief character is Gelsomina, the caretaker, who looks after the building. She is helped by her husband Angelo, who can turn his hand to most things. They have two children, Renato, who studies medicine, and Chiara, who is 15. They have also a foster child of 9, Monica, who is very shy as yet. Let's see what happens to them in their everyday lives. The Italian used in Via Regina 26 is the sort of language you can't usually find in normal textbooks as it's real Italian conversation, with all the difficulties and charm of the spoken language. Every day log on to our website to read a new episode of this soap, you'll be surprised at the results: your knowledge of Italian will increase by leaps and bounds, and Italian won't feel like a foreign language anymore.
*DISCLAIMER: Via Regina 26 is entirely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. Should you find an involuntary copyright infringement in the reproduction of paintings and works of art please notify us and we'll immediately remove the source of the infringement.




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Un affàre
Un affare
A deal
A bargain

Méno màle ké la jìta skolàstika a Pàdova di Kyàra è stàta kançellàta.
GELSOMINA: Meno male che la gita scolastica a Padova di Chiara è stata cancellata.
Less evil that the trip school to Padua of Chiara is cancelled .
I’m so glad Chiara’s school trip to Padua has been cancelled.

Perké méno màle?
ANGELO: Perché meno male?
Because less evil?
Why are you glad?

Perké Renàto à invitàto a pràntso Bàrbara é Yùsef, l'amìko déi tèmpi dél liçèo.
GELSOMINA: Perché Renato ha invitato a pranzo Barbara e Yusef, l’amico dei tempi del liceo.
Because Renato has invited to lunch Barbara and Yusef, the friend of times of high school.
Because Renato has invited Barbara and Yusef, his old lyceum friend, to lunch.

Ma è la prìma vòlta ké Bàrbara vyène invitàta uffiçalménte a kàza nòstra. Stràno ké Renàto àbbya invitàto ànke il sùo amìko.
ANGELO: Ma è la prima volta che Barbara viene invitata ufficialmente a casa nostra. Strano che Renato abbia invitato anche il suo amico.
But is the first time that Barbara is invited officially to home our. Strange that Renato has invited also the his friend.
But… it’s the first time he’s officially invited Barbara home. It’s strange he’s also getting his friend Yusef to come too.

Probabilménte à fàtto kozì di propòzito perké nón déssimo tròppa importàntsa àlla kòza.
GELSOMINA: Probabilmente ha fatto così di proposito perché non dessimo troppa importanza alla cosa.
Probably has made so on purpose because not we gave too importance to the thing.
Probably he’s done that on purpose because he doesn’t want it all to seem too important.

Ài, kwànto sóno komplikàti i jóvani d'òjji. Kwàndo ti ò prezentàto ài myèi jenitóri pér la prìma vòlta, èra perké volévo informàrli ké çi volevàmo spozàre!
ANGELO: Ahi, quanto sono complicati i giovani d’oggi. Quando ti ho presentato ai miei genitori per la prima volta, era perché volevo informarli che ci volevamo sposare!
Ouch, how much are complicated the youngs of today. When you I presented to my parents for the first time, was because I wanted inform them that we wanted marry!
How complicated young people are nowadays. When I introduced you to my parents for the first time, it was because I wanted to tell them we were getting married.

É, i tèmpi sóno kambyàti, Ànjelo!
GELSOMINA: Eh, i tempi sono cambiati, Angelo!
Eh, the times are changed, Angelo!
Times have changed, Angelo, haven’t they!

Jelsomìna sta pulèndo lé skàle, la Sinnhóra Pyerraçìni àpre la pòrta di kàza
Gelsomina sta pulendo le scale, la Signora Pierracini apre la porta di casa
Gelsomina is cleaning the stairs, the Lady Pierracini opens the door of home.
Gelsomina is cleaning the stairs when Mrs. Pierracini opens her front door

A, sinnhóra Jelsomìna. Dèvo assolutaménte fàrle vedére kwéllo ké abbyàmo trovàto al merkatìno doménika mattìna.Vènga déntro un moménto.
SIG.RA PIERRACINI: Ah, signora Gelsomina. Devo assolutamente farLe vedere quello che abbiamo trovato al mercatino domenica mattina. Venga dentro un momento.
Ah, lady Gelsomina. I must absolutely to her see what we found to the marketplace sunday morning. Come inside a moment.
Gelsomina, I simply must show you what we found at the car boot sale on Sunday morning. Do come in.

Ma ké bèlle sèdye! Pròpryo kóme kwélle di ùna vòlta. É kóme sóno kòmode!
GELSOMINA: Ma che belle sedie! Proprio come quelle di una volta. E come sono comode!
But that beautiful chairs! Own as those of a time. And as are comfortable!
What beautiful chairs! They’re just like the ones they used to make. How comfortable they are!

Sóno fàtte da un artijàno kón autèntika pàllha di Vyènna intreççàta. Ló skyenàle, pòi, è di fàjjo kurvàto.
SIG.RA PIERRACINI: Sono fatte da un artigiano con autentica paglia di Vienna intrecciata. Lo schienale, poi, è di faggio curvato.
Are made from a craftsman with authentic straw of Vienna braided. The back, then, is of beech curved.
They’ve been made by a real craftsman with authentic Viennese straw, and the back of the chairs is made of curved beech.

Nón kóme lé sèdye di adèsso ké sóno tùtte impersonàli é rìjide kóme un bakkalà.
GELSOMINA: Non come le sedie di adesso che sono tutte impersonali e rigide come un baccalà.
Not as the chairs of now that are all impersonal and rigid as a codfish.
Not like the chairs they manufacture now which are completely impersonal and rigid like a frozen fish.

Adèsso però indovìni kwànto lé abbyàmo pagàte...
SIG.RA PIERRACINI: Adesso però indovini quanto le abbiamo pagate…
Now but guess you how much them we paid...
Now guess how much we paid for them…

Ma, nón ò idèa. Alméno çinkwànta èuro l'ùna.
GELSOMINA: Mah, non ho idea. Almeno cinquanta euro l’una.
Mah, not I have idea. At least fifty euro the each.
Really, I’ve got no idea. At least fifty euros each, I imagine.

Nò! Sólo tré èuro l'ùna!
SIG.RA PIERRACINI: No! Solo tre euro l’una!
No! Only three euro the each!
Far from it! Only three euros each!

Kwésto sì ké è un affàre!
GELSOMINA: Questo sì che è un affare!
This yes that is a deal!
Well, that was a bargain!

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Un affàre

Un affare

A deal

A bargain

Méno màle ké la jìta skolàstika a Pàdova di Kyàra è stàta kançellàta.

GELSOMINA: Meno male che la gita scolastica a Padova di Chiara è stata cancellata.

Less evil that the trip school to Padua of Chiara is cancelled .

I’m so glad Chiara’s school trip to Padua has been cancelled.

Perké méno màle?

ANGELO: Perché meno male?

Because less evil?

Why are you glad?

Perké Renàto à invitàto a pràntso Bàrbara é Yùsef, l'amìko déi tèmpi dél liçèo.

GELSOMINA: Perché Renato ha invitato a pranzo Barbara e Yusef, l’amico dei tempi del liceo.

Because Renato has invited to lunch Barbara and Yusef, the friend of times of high school.

Because Renato has invited Barbara and Yusef, his old lyceum friend, to lunch.

Ma è la prìma vòlta ké Bàrbara vyène invitàta uffiçalménte a kàza nòstra. Stràno ké Renàto àbbya invitàto ànke il sùo amìko.

ANGELO: Ma è la prima volta che Barbara viene invitata ufficialmente a casa nostra. Strano che Renato abbia invitato anche il suo amico.

But is the first time that Barbara is invited officially to home our. Strange that Renato has invited also the his friend.

But… it’s the first time he’s officially invited Barbara home. It’s strange he’s also getting his friend Yusef to come too.

Probabilménte à fàtto kozì di propòzito perké nón déssimo tròppa importàntsa àlla kòza.

GELSOMINA: Probabilmente ha fatto così di proposito perché non dessimo troppa importanza alla cosa.

Probably has made so on purpose because not we gave too importance to the thing.

Probably he’s done that on purpose because he doesn’t want it all to seem too important.

Ài, kwànto sóno komplikàti i jóvani d'òjji. Kwàndo ti ò prezentàto ài myèi jenitóri pér la prìma vòlta, èra perké volévo informàrli ké çi volevàmo spozàre!

ANGELO: Ahi, quanto sono complicati i giovani d’oggi. Quando ti ho presentato ai miei genitori per la prima volta, era perché volevo informarli che ci volevamo sposare!

Ouch, how much are complicated the youngs of today. When you I presented to my parents for the first time, was because I wanted inform them that we wanted marry!

How complicated young people are nowadays. When I introduced you to my parents for the first time, it was because I wanted to tell them we were getting married.

É, i tèmpi sóno kambyàti, Ànjelo!

GELSOMINA: Eh, i tempi sono cambiati, Angelo!

Eh, the times are changed, Angelo!

Times have changed, Angelo, haven’t they!

Jelsomìna sta pulèndo lé skàle, la Sinnhóra Pyerraçìni àpre la pòrta di kàza

Gelsomina sta pulendo le scale, la Signora Pierracini apre la porta di casa

Gelsomina is cleaning the stairs, the Lady Pierracini opens the door of home.

Gelsomina is cleaning the stairs when Mrs. Pierracini opens her front door

A, sinnhóra Jelsomìna. Dèvo assolutaménte fàrle vedére kwéllo ké abbyàmo trovàto al merkatìno doménika mattìna.Vènga déntro un moménto.

SIG.RA PIERRACINI: Ah, signora Gelsomina. Devo assolutamente farLe vedere quello che abbiamo trovato al mercatino domenica mattina. Venga dentro un momento.

Ah, lady Gelsomina. I must absolutely to her see what we found to the marketplace sunday morning. Come inside a moment.

Gelsomina, I simply must show you what we found at the car boot sale on Sunday morning. Do come in.

Ma ké bèlle sèdye! Pròpryo kóme kwélle di ùna vòlta. É kóme sóno kòmode!

GELSOMINA: Ma che belle sedie! Proprio come quelle di una volta. E come sono comode!

But that beautiful chairs! Own as those of a time. And as are comfortable!

What beautiful chairs! They’re just like the ones they used to make. How comfortable they are!

Sóno fàtte da un artijàno kón autèntika pàllha di Vyènna intreççàta. Ló skyenàle, pòi, è di fàjjo kurvàto.

SIG.RA PIERRACINI: Sono fatte da un artigiano con autentica paglia di Vienna intrecciata. Lo schienale, poi, è di faggio curvato.

Are made from a craftsman with authentic straw of Vienna braided. The back, then, is of beech curved.

They’ve been made by a real craftsman with authentic Viennese straw, and the back of the chairs is made of curved beech.

Nón kóme lé sèdye di adèsso ké sóno tùtte impersonàli é rìjide kóme un bakkalà.

GELSOMINA: Non come le sedie di adesso che sono tutte impersonali e rigide come un baccalà.

Not as the chairs of now that are all impersonal and rigid as a codfish.

Not like the chairs they manufacture now which are completely impersonal and rigid like a frozen fish.

Adèsso però indovìni kwànto lé abbyàmo pagàte...

SIG.RA PIERRACINI: Adesso però indovini quanto le abbiamo pagate…

Now but guess you how much them we paid...

Now guess how much we paid for them…

Ma, nón ò idèa. Alméno çinkwànta èuro l'ùna.

GELSOMINA: Mah, non ho idea. Almeno cinquanta euro l’una.

Mah, not I have idea. At least fifty euro the each.

Really, I’ve got no idea. At least fifty euros each, I imagine.

Nò! Sólo tré èuro l'ùna!

SIG.RA PIERRACINI: No! Solo tre euro l’una!

No! Only three euro the each!

Far from it! Only three euros each!

Kwésto sì ké è un affàre!

GELSOMINA: Questo sì che è un affare!

This yes that is a deal!

Well, that was a bargain!


  1. Six O'Clock a.m. in the Caretaker's Lodge
  2. People Meeting
  3. The Postman
  4. Twenty-one in Anatomy!
  5. Preparing Dinner
  6. The Kurdish Tenant
  7. Public Holiday
  8. Mr. Rostami's Move
  9. A Leak from the Roof
  10. In Search of a Doctor
  11. Little Monica
  12. Alto Adige
  13. Men At Work in the Flat
  14. Valuable Information
  15. The Missing Kitten
  16. Giacinto
  17. A Deal
  18. Mediterranean Cuisine
  19. The operation
  20. A Wedding in Puglia
  21. The Return from Puglia
  22. Wasps Everywhere!
  23. A Trip Around Milan
  24. Ligabue
  25. Fiordaliso
  26. The Missing Kitten
  27. A New Friend
  28. Summer Holiday Problems
  29. Another Registered Letter
  30. It's Typical!
  31. Blackout
  32. The Tempest
  33. Hunting for Customers
  34. The Prescription
  35. Projects for the future
  36. Marco besieged
  37. Small Talk
  38. Three for Two
  39. Fruit and vegetables
  40. A film with Marta Bubrik
  41. The Mystery of the Two Sisters
  42. Gossiping
  43. Gelsomina is on Holiday




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